Careers Freelancing

Should you go freelance?

Freelancing can provide you with a ton of benefits. Being your own boss. Working whenever you want to, wherever you want to and being able to set your own rates. It also comes with many challenges, so make sure you know what works best for you before you make the leap.

Career Change Careers

Reasons why it is ok to quit and start over!

In 2014, Goli Kalkhoran quit practicing law and embarked on a journey to figure out what actually made her happy. Since then she’s had 2 kids, started a business, dabbled in passion projects, and forged a completely new path that lights her up. And yet, she’d still says she’s figuring it out. When I was quitting, one thing I constantly thought about was how I was going to “waste” all of the years and money I had invested in becoming a lawyer.⁠ ⁠

Careers Freelancing

Why Are More Millennials Turning To Freelancing?

After graduating college, Samantha landed her first real-world, 9-5 job—an accomplishment any university/college graduate would be proud of. However, something didn’t exactly feel right. “Once I did manage to snag a 9-5 gig at a local marketing agency, I quickly realized it wasn’t all I made it out to be,” says Samantha, a freelance marketing writer and blogger from Orlando, Florida.